The moon is a secret source of emotional and intellectual creations that are currently streaming into our conscious reality. When we have the courage to visit the streets of the big city and venture from the safety of our protected inner world, we find the world is a reflection of our inner conflict. We are […]
I am left to be the last one here, but not by accident I suppose, or by coincidence as some might see it. …It’s not that way at all, in fact there is no way, there is no place, there is no one, or nothing else, no extras, no chance, not a thing that we […]
The girl listens and then she wears that plaid shirt and jeans and its all mud and meat and warm yellow light in the barn house. Its not just fascinating its downright marvelous. Y’all don’t no how much of that back to basics good ole home loving I really crave along with making my tractor […]